Trivia that almost no one hates.
Do you know the circumference of the Sun? You don't? That's ok because that's not one of our trivia questions but we do have lots of other trivia questions you will probably know. In the spirit of fun and drink, we host trivia events at Bars/Pubs/Breweries around the Orange County area that is FREE to play and awards prizes for 1st, 2nd, & sometimes 3rd places.
What is the circumference of the Sun?
2.720984 million miles
"That's pretty specific. Are you cheating?"
"Never! Cheating will disqualify me and it's embarrassing!"
“I want to be really good at trivia and win the respect of my peers and also gift cards.”
Everyone | Always
How it Works
A single trivia event consists of a number of these rounds.
General Knowledge
Movie Quotes
An Audio Music Round
A Double or Nothing Round
Photo Round
A Timed "Name as Many of Blank That You Can" Round
Each round will be a sheet of paper with 10+ questions on it that you will acquire from the Quizmaster General or just the person with the microphone hosting the event.
Your team (of no more than 6 people) will have around 15 minutes to fill in the answers for each question on the paper.
The Whizmaster will announce that the next round is available to retrieve from them and give a 2 minute warning on turning in the current round.
Once all the rounds are collected, the Hostmaster Toastpoints will grade each teams answers and then announce the answers over the mic.
The grading is cumulative and your teams points from each round will be added up in total and winners announced after the 5th and final round.
There is only 1 rule. No cheating.